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Chilly Playdough No Cook Recipe

We really do enjoy playing with Playdough in our household. Little N seems to be obsessed with the stuff at the moment! Today we created some fabulous Chilly Playdough using a no cook recipe! It turned out great and was such a wonderful sensory experience I just have to share it with you!
You will need:
A cup of Cornflour
A packet of Gelatin 
A tad of Food Colouring
Scents (optional)
3/4 cup of hot water
A fridge
What I really like about this playdough (apart from it being no cook) is that there is no salt whatsoever! I love homemade playdough but I do like to experiment and steer away from the salt recipes where possible. Salt is very dangerous if digested not only for your children but for pets. It also dries out your skin!
It's very simple to create. Add all the contents into your bowl and stir. I did let Little N do the adding of the ingredients until we got to the boiling water and that's when I took over. She helped stir once it had cooled down a little! You will have a liquid type consistency at this stage.
I submerged my hand into the liquid and had a good feel around to make sure there were no lumps. There were several so I placed them between my fingers and rubbed them together until the lumps dissolved. This gave a better consistency throughout. This was a great sensory experience and at this point the water had cooled down - why not let your little ones have a fish around?
The Playdough then needs to set. Place in the fridge for several hours. It does begin setting pretty quickly on top, but you did need to make sure it sets throughout the mixture. 
I left ours overnight and when we woke in the morning it was completely formed! You can turn the bowl upside down and it wont budge! Little N began by resting her hands on the top of it. "It's cold" she said. She then began to submerge her fingers deep into the chilly playdough. 
We used a spoon to scoop it all out. It was a little sticky so we worked together to add cornflour to prevent it from sticking to our hands. This added to the sensory experience. Cornflour has a velvet feel to it and we looked on as the playdough went from white to a delightful pink. 
I did pop it back in the fridge once the consistency was sorted, covered in cling film. An hour later we took it out the fridge and enjoyed playing with it!
Its always great fun trying new recipes and sensory experiences. 
We will definitely be making more 'chilly playdough' in the future!
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