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Fine Motor Caterpillar Craft

We have been busy reading Eric Carle The Very Hungry Caterpillar. My Toddler is obsessed with it and in particular loves the beautiful butterfly at the end of the story!

We have been out on quite a few nature walks lately and we have already started spotting the odd Butterfly here and there.
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We are looking forward to doing The Butterfly Watch again this year! If you haven't done this watch before I really do recommend it!! It's great fun! Take a picnic! The little ones will enjoy spotting the different butterflies with the handy chart you can print off at home (download details in the link)! Not only is it good fun, it's a very cheap hour or two out and you are doing your bit to help Nature (you submit your findings online, which older children will enjoy doing.)

So back to the craft. I don't know about your Toddlers but while out on Nature Walks mine enjoys collecting.....

Twigs, leaves, feathers, conkers, pine cones, stones, acorns you name it she collects them. You just have to love the free resources Nature offers!!

On our most recent walk she collected sticks and bricks and brought them home. They often end up around our garden somewhere!
Seeing as she's been really enjoying The Very Hungry Caterpillar I got some crafty bits out and suggested that we used some of the sticks she had collected to make some of our very own Hungry Caterpillars!

She was over the moon at the suggestion and we set about creating several of them together!! I love watching her creating!! It's great bonding time too when you sit down and make things together!

To make your own Hungry Caterpillars you will need:
Crafty Items such as - pipe cleaners, Pom Poms, Googly eyes, glue, glitter, sequins.
You could even use paint!

Pop all your items on to a table and let your little one make and create!!!

I would recommend that you have quite a few sticks! My toddler enjoyed it that much she happily did caterpillar after caterpillar!

They looked really effective and she enjoyed taking them out in the garden and playing with them!!!

She even did a hide and seek game and hid them around the garden and me and Daddy had to go around looking for them all!!

It won't be long before we can enjoy some Caterpillar Hunts on our Nature walks and in our gardens!

I am going to order one of these Caterpillar Dens this year! She is 3 and a half now and she will LOVE  being able to watch the caterpillars crawling around, eating and making their cocoons. She will be ecstatic releasing the butterflies too!

I look forward to sharing our caterpillar crafts and experiences with you again this year!!

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1 comment:

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