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Easter Themed Tuff Tray

With Easter just around the corner you may be thinking of some fun activities you can set up with your children. We have been using them in our art - Easter Shake Process Art and Sensory Easter Marbling. In addition to using them on your Easter Egg Hunts and filling them with lots of treats why not use them to enjoy some Sensory Play or incorporate them in an Easter Themed Tuff Tray?!

Today we have the lovely Sue Baxter sharing with us the Easter Tuff Tray she created for her children.

I brought the wooden tree from a local garden centre and the colourful eggs have been picked up over the last couple of years from various pound shops. The colours and patterns have been a particular interest to the children who have discussed amongst themselves animals that have the same patterns on their fur.

The chick numbers and label cards are all printed from Twinkl. The chicks are great for ordering and recognising numbers. The children have also enjoyed counting out quantities using the chicks and eggs in the bowls provided.
You could use them in displays or as visuals for numeracy problems such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and sequences depending on abilities of your children.

The 'blossom tree' I created myself using a branch from the garden and sticking on pink pom poms. I submerged the stick into some brown playdough in a plant pot.
We have enjoyed spotting blossom trees and spring flowers on our walks outdoors together.

This addition to the tray was a hit for the children. I filled it with split peas that I purchased from the supermarket, some golden eggs, plastic eggs, scoops and little chicks. The children spent time scooping, filling the eggs and shaking them and hearing the noises they made. There was plenty of mathematical language going on with regards to eggs being empty, full, half full.
I observed the chicks being lined up and counted before being hidden inside the eggs. We made predictions on how many chicks would fit inside one egg at the same time.

I was delighted to hear children mention that eggs are used to make Pancakes. We covered this recently in our Pancake Day Tuff Tray so to hear them recall showed their experiences of pancake day really sank in with them.
It lead us on to discuss where eggs came from, where we could buy them from and the different sizes you can buy. (Just to note the eggs aren't real on this Tuff Tray).

I am really looking forward to visits to the farm to meet the baby animals.

This basket gave children the opportunity to match patterns and make new ones. Some were used to scoop up the split peas, and some of them were used as hiding spots for the baby chicks.

The hot cross buns were a great addition to the tray. They have been handmade. I am looking forward to sharing some hot cross buns with the children during snack time very soon!!

A huge thank you to Sue for sharing another wonderful play set up with us. 
Here are some of Sues fabulous set ups she has been busy sharing:

Lots more great activities coming up!!

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1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is such a great idea to celebrate Easter. Both fun and developmental for kids! I guess it's suitable for any holiday as well :)


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