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Wooden Spool Snowmen

Hello, my name is Cindy O’Brien. I live in beautiful Northeast Pennsylvania USA. I have a home daycare with 6 children.

The children have been enjoying creating these adorable little wooden spool snowmen.  We worked on them all day long for little bits at a time.  My handy husband drilled a small hole in the middle of one of the spools for a toothpick nose to fit into.

Materials needed:
3 spools the same size
1 spool a smaller size
Toothpick broken in half
Little buttons
Piece of ribbon
Orange, black and white paint
Wood glue
Iridescent glitter

1. Glue 3 spools together. Let dry.
3. Paint them white.  Shake on some glitter while wet if desired. Let dry.
4. Add some black paint to the edge and top. Let dry.
5. Paint a smaller spool black. Let dry.
6.  Using a black permanent marker add the eyes and mouth.
7.  Paint 1/2 of a toothpick orange. Let dry.
8.  Glue on the hat and nose and buttons.
9.  Tie on a piece of ribbon for a scarf.
10. Glue a piece of string to the top hole for hanging on the tree.

These look SNOW cute hanging on our Christmas tree.  The children were so proud to show them off to anyone who would come and see them!  Have fun!

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