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Why I love a full washing basket and why you should too.

One thing in my house that totally baffles me is the amount of dirty laundry we  have.

I wake one day, put a few loads of washing in, get everything dried and folded. I feel that happiness and relief come over me as I actually feel like I have battled the laundry and won - yipeeeeeee.

Then BAM - towels from showers, the days clothes plus that pile in the bedroom that I totally missed is all piled into the basket and once again we have a mountain of laundry! Oh boy!

We have a never ending supply of dirty clothes and towels.

To be faced with this day in day out soon becomes a laborious chore. I have often found myself thinking 'I only did all that washing, drying, folding and ironing yesterday how can it need to be done all over again today?'

Don't even mention the laundry after a holiday!!

Isn't it amazing too how no body else in the house hold is conscience that the basket is overflowing? Oh no, clothes are piled and piled and piled until good old Mom/Dad comes along and tackles it once again. And yes I am that person who has had cross words with my other half as they never ever contribute to helping with this chore! His reply? I'm not sure how to use it and I dont know which clothes go in which pile. GRRRR! Excuses, excuses but you see things have changed!

I totally view my laundry different now and I would actually go as far as saying I love a full basket of laundry!! Yes a full basket! In fact the fuller the better! (Now I know you may be thinking I have totally lost it but just let me explain.)

You see all the dirty laundry that soon piles high is a reflection of the fun me and my family are getting up to day in and day out.

The grass stained trousers show how my little one enjoyed running around in the park and gamboling down the grassy banks.
The paint stained t-shirts show how my daughter enjoyed creative play.
The shirts from my other half show he went to work and achieved something today.
The fluffy, warm onsies are a reminder of the evening we all sat watching films on the sofa, eating biscuits after a hard day.
The towels remind me of that one hour a week I get me time, to have a relax and a soak in the bath (and the showers I have being accompanied by my little one, running in and out dropping her toys all over the bathroom floor for me).
The muddy socks show the fun we got up to on our Nature walk - and yes I did jump in muddy puddles with my two year old! (You're never too old for a puddle!)
The flour covered t-shirt reminds me of the cakes we baked for Mom and Dad, that put big smiles on their faces.
The jeans that I couldn't get on 8 months ago are once again being used and washed, that reminds me of the goals I have achieved.
The bedding reminds me of the first lie in of the year I had and how refreshed it made me feel.
The hundreds of bibs show me the bottles and the finger foods my baby has been busy enjoying and how far shes come with her weaning!
The dry Peppa Pig pants from my daughter reflect how well shes done with her potty training today!

The laundry is a reflection of our family life and the memories we are busy creating, the achievements we are making and the goals we are reaching!

Someday my laundry basket wont be as full, and I will look back wishing for these very days to be back again.

So there you have it - That is why I love a full washing basket and why you should too!

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1 comment:

  1. Love this Amy!! I pretty much give up with my washing basket now. Its overspilling onto the floor but as you said it just didn't get done at the weekend as there was parties to go to, cakes to bake, painting to be done and snow to play in!


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