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Easter Thumb Print Keepsake Charms For Kids

You may have seen a recent post of ours where we created some Easter Keepsake Decorations. We love pastel colours and there is plenty of that around during Easter!

After a cold, gloomy winter the great outdoors is starting to wake up. The buds are plentiful, the baby animals are being born and if you are lucky hopefully the weather is now on the turn.

Spring (as all seasons) has lots of opportunities to see, explore and experience. If you are looking for ways to explore and enjoy Spring we have a great Bucket List to check out.

Right now back to our post.

We have created some lovely decorations to brighten up our home and today I am going to share some cute Easter charms we also created!

You will need:

Plain Flour
Rolling Pin

Egg shaped cookie cutter (optional, if not cut out shape using a sharp knife)

To see more information on how to make salt dough you can view our simple salt dough recipe by clicking here.

After creating our Easter hand print decorations I had a clump of salt dough left over. This is what I used to create these Easter thumb print charms.

I rolled out the dough and I used the cookie cutter I had from a shape set to cut out some egg shapes. Once I had the shapes cut I picked them up in my hands and positioned them in my palm before getting Little N's thumb to create prints. 

It is much easier and gives a better print if your child holds their hands out in a star with their fingers wide apart. This then moves the fingers out of the way and you can access the thumb to print more effectively. If like me you are tempted to try this with fingers clenched into a fist, it just doesn't work as good. The fingers can get in the way and you can end up catching the dough with your nails.

We overlapped the thumb prints to create a heart shape. I also used a screw driver to create a hole at the top of each charm. This gives the opportunity they to add ribbon and hang or you could even attempt to create some salt dough key rings.

Once your salt dough is dried out and hardened, its time to decorate.

I painted our keepsakes in pastel colours and the thumb prints in white, using acrylic paints. I think these colours worked well together. They looked bright and cheerful. You can also add spots and zig zag shapes if you wish.

I created extra charms so Little N could enjoy decorating along with me. She is always so interested in what I am doing and loves (and insists) to help. It was lovely painting together!

Once all your decorating is completed and your paints are dry it is then time to seal your creations with either clear varnish or PVA glue. Once dry you are all set and ready to go!

Why not give them to friends and family as little Easter token charms? I am sure they will be delighted with these beautiful keepsakes!

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