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Rainbow colour sorting busy bag

We have been enjoying a few busy bag activities now Little N is 2 years 5 months. She is really interested in learning new things and I find busy bags are perfect for putting concepts into action, not only together but also independently.

Today's busy bag that we are sharing with you is a rainbow colour sorting busy bag. I made this busy bag as part of the 'Learn with your Craft Stash' series that is being hosted by Life over C's.
If you have lots of craft supplies it is really worth heading on over and checking out the fabulous ideas!

Little N knows all of her colours now so this is a great next step - identifying and matching the same colours together.

You will need:
Rainbow craft sticks
Felt to match your sticks
A bag to keep your contents together
Needle & Thread / Hot glue gun

1. I began by cutting out the felt to create little pockets for the colour sorting activity.

2. Once they were all cut out I used a needle to sew them together. If you have a hot glue gun you may want to consider using glue instead.

It didn't take long at all to make them all. Little N was keen to try them out.

I put the pockets in front of her and scattered the sticks. To begin with I demonstrated to her finding a red one and matching it up with the red pocket. I did this 3 times before letting her do some colour matching independently.

She did really well matching them together and enjoyed putting them into the pockets.

We keep this rainbow colour sorting busy bag accessible and she is able to get it out and 'give it a go' as she pleases.

Other ideas to extent this busy bag:
  • Instead of using coloured sticks, use plain lollipop sticks and write the colours on them. Children then have to read the colours to be able to match them up correctly.
  • Count the amount of sticks in each pocket.
  • Use a different amount of coloured sticks, after sorting find out which colour has:                      -the most sticks    -the least amount    - the same amount
  • Order the pockets filled with sticks in the order of the rainbow.
To create the pockets you could also use coloured paper or card. It wont last as long but if you have the paper already in and want to give this a go that would work just as well.

Busy bags are quick, handy hands on learning activities. If you need two minutes while you put the washing on or prepare the tea they are a ready made 'game' for your little ones.

Come and follow us on Facebook and Pinterest for lots more ideas.

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1 comment:

  1. These are so neat! Perfect for fine motor and learning colors! Pinned!


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