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Dear Toddler

Dear my delightful toddler,

The last 2 years have gone so quickly! I do enjoy looking back through the photographs and the videos. The memories we have already shared together are precious and plenty.

You are in a new phase now - you are a bubbly toddler, with energy in abundance! There is never a dull moment with you around that's for sure.

You certainly are determined to push boundaries and you aren't afraid to challenge anything and everything I say and do. I admire your will, I really do! Although it sometimes pushes my patience, your confidence to do this is strong! As your Mother I want to encourage this confidence to prosper, for it is that that will see you go far in life.

From the minute you wake up to the minute you go to bed, you never ever stop. Running around, climbing, dancing - I envy your energy! I wish you would share it with me! You make me exhausted just watching you sometimes! 

You over share with people we pass by. The times you have left me blushing and chuckling away. Your innocence is pure! I really should start writing down the amusing things you come out with, they are priceless!

You love repetition. Songs, films, rhymes and routines, over and over. We had Frozen on repeat again today at your request. The 4th time around you were still as thrilled as the first time you ever watched it. You are too cute!

Your observational skills are so acute! You mimic things I say and do and you somehow always know when I sneak off to the kitchen for a sneaky biscuit or chocolate. You notice the smallest of things. You notice when I am wearing a new outfit, if I have done something different with my hair or if I make changes to our room layout! You notice more than your Daddy! High 5 on that one!

Your honesty is precious. You're too young to consider feelings of others through the things you say and do. I cherish this as I always know how you feel. If only more people were as open and honest as you? Life would be less complicating that's for sure!

You make friends where ever you are. Like magnets you are drawn to one another - you laugh, have fun and wave goodbye saying 'see you next week'. I admire your friendliness! For if we did that as adults wouldn't the world be a much nicer place? We wouldn't have people feeling alone, there would be much more smiling and laughing - there can never be too much of that!  

There is tantrum city pretty much day in day out. Yesterday you refused to eat your tea over and over! When I gave in and threw it away you had a tantrum because I had thrown it away. You do puzzle me sometimes you really do, but you keep me on my toes!

I love how you are so thrilled to get messy!! Whether that's eating/wearing your dinner, playing in the garden, painting..... I enjoy watching you explore so full on! We should get more stuck in as adults. 

We hold ourselves back from doing things at times, you teach me to live in the moment and let go. I love giving you a nice warm bath and getting you all clean again afterwards! 

The snuggles we have on the sofa watching movies, eating snacks, reading books and talking about nothing, I treasure these times!

So to my dear toddler, this is a new phase for both of us. I don't think I have ever been so emotionally exhausted, trying to keep that one step ahead of you. I never get a minute to myself! But this phase is wonderful. Always something happening, always a million and one things to do. There are so many lessons you teach me and I thank you for helping me to grow as a person too.

I love you for all that you are and all that you do. 
Mommy xx
What does your Toddler teach you?
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