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Spin Art Painting for Kids

Spin art painting is a firm favourite of mine. I remember doing it as a child! It always goes down well with the children and adults just cant resist having a go too! If you have never given this a go before then I really recommend it, if you have done it before why not get it out and give it another go!!

To create spin art there are machines available or like us you can use a good old salad spinner. 

You will need:
Salad Spinner/Spin Art Machine

1. Begin by cutting paper to fit in the base of your spinner and place it into the bottom. You can cut a circular shape to cover the base completely of you can attempt different shapes. Today we did circles and hearts.

2. Then take your paints and experiment with pouring it down onto the paper. How you go about squirting the paint will determine the patterns you create. 

3. Once you are happy with your blobs of paint, pop on the lid and get stirring using the handle.

This is great for developing fine and gross motor skills in younger children. They have to concentrate on their hand/eye co-ordination to successfully spin the salad spinner. Little N was 2 years 9 months old when attempting this for the time and she was able to operate the spinner really well!

We brought our salad spinner from Ikea for £4.

It does take the art work a while to dry so we will be leaving it over night before we set about creating something pretty with some of our creations. 

Just look at the gorgeous patterns we created:

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