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Frozen Bubbles

Freezing Bubbles Activities to do in winter with the kids. Winter Activities.

Bubbles are pretty fascinating aren't they?! No matter what age you are, you can't help but be captivated by them! 

We have done lots of fun activities over the last few years to do with bubbles - Giant Bubbles being our most favourite to date!! Check out our video!! You will want to make some too!

Cooler weather has graced the UK and we have woken up to some beautiful frosty mornings over the last few weeks! My (just turned) 4 year old wakes excitedly thinking its snowed!! I am keeping my fingers crossed for a good snow fall this year!! The last time we had a decent amount where we live was the year she was born. She was only a couple of months old so we didn't get to play.

Snow aside, lets get back to the bubbles!! I have seen some pretty mesmerising videos floating around over Facebook over the last year or so of bubbles being blown and freezing over. I have often thought about giving it a go, but it wasn't until I saw Family Days. Tried and Tested give it a go recently that I thought oh my I need to do this. 

So I blew bubbles at 10am as the grass was thick with frost.... and it didn't work.
I blew bubbles the following day at 9am....... it didn't work.
I blew bubbles at 8am and YAY we had success!!!

All I used was a normal 50p pot of bubbles, so nothing fancy. Although I did buy some bubbles from Dr Ziggs a couple of weeks ago at a Christmas Fair in Wales that I am contemplating trying too.

Freezing Bubbles Activities to do in winter with the kids. Winter Activities.

I blew the bubbles into the air and waited. I personally found blowing them slowly and onto the grass worked well. The bubbles bounced onto the frozen grass and rested. 

This is where the magic happened!!

I am hoping to get out there again over the next couple of days and get some more images to add here!! If you have some you would like to share and add to this post, drop me a message!

Here is a beautiful image from Julie Daniels:

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