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How to Keep Children Safe Online.

The Right Click: Internet Safety Matters workshop. Keeping children safe online. Internet Safety.

Times have changed so much since we were children. Technology in particular has come on leaps and bounds. Me and my Mom often talk about how amazed my Grandparents would have been with the internet and being able to see relatives we have over in Canada via Skype for example.

I remember the days when we used to have to sit and wait for the internet to connect. You used to hear it dialling through the phone line. We could only use it after 6pm as it was off peak and we were on a timer.

Now I couldn't imagine a world without the internet. I think most of us use it much more than we realise! Having Google as a constant go to for any query we may have does make life easier. At the click of a few buttons we can have the answers to pretty much everything.

In addition to us being able to get pretty much any information we desire from the internet, we can listen to and watch our favourite music/videos, keep in touch with family and friends, we can make purchases and play games.

Many people run business online and provide well for their families. The opportunities are endless.

The Right Click: Internet Safety Matters workshop. Keeping children safe online. Internet Safety.

Lots of parents feel torn when their children start to ask to access the internet. I must admit I am one of these parents too. Children as young as 2 are keen to get on the ipad and watch YouTube videos. My 4 year old can use the ipad with such ease, along with the computers and white boards she uses at school. Technology has become part of life. It offers such wonderful possibilities, yet we worry about our children being vulnerable, and the truth is they are!

Day in day out we are always going out of our way to ensure our children are happy and safe, using the Internet is no exception. We need to make sure our children are educated so they know how to stay safe online.

We have teamed up with BT and Unicef to bring awareness of how to keep our youngsters safer on the internet.

It is paramount we are open with them and encourage them to approach us if they have any questions.

Take a look at this video:

This video raises lots of important points we need to consider when teaching our children to use the internet.

'The Right Click campaign believes that every child has the right to have fun and learn online, they also believe children have the right to privacy and protection.'

The Right Click: Internet Safety Matters workshop. Keeping children safe online. Internet Safety.

Together we can help ensure that our children have the knowledge to stay safe whilst enjoying their learning and developing new skills.

Do you allow your children to access the Internet?
Is there anything that worries or concerns you? Leave us a comment at the bottom of this post.

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