Well we have made it past Christmas! It was a relief to finally get the house looking 'normal' and cluttered free again! I have actually started thinking about the upcoming celebrations and events which has led me to think of Valentines Day!
We have made lots of Suncatcher crafts over the last couple of years - yet we didn't have one of a heart so this was the craft we have been busy creating today!
You will need:
Laminating pouches
Coloured Tissue/Cellophane
Heart Template
Cut up lots of shapes out of tissue paper / coloured cellophane. This is the first time I have used tissue paper for Suncatchers. All our others have been created using cellophone......
WOW! Tissue paper is much more vibrant! I love the colours!! We actually made some using each paper so you can check out which one you prefer at the end.

Cut out your heart shape. You will now need to cut out the centre of your heart. I aimed to have a boarder of around 1cm. I then popped the hearts inside an opened laminating pouch and my preschooler got to work adding the coloured squares. Before you shut the pouch you may want to look at writing your child's name on the edge of card (remember the date too)!
Laminate. As the pouch comes out I like to pop it under a hard back book. I find this helps it stay flat as it cools down and stops it kinking.
To finish off cut put the hearts and stick them onto the window!! Don't they look beautiful!! My daughter keeps saying she wants to give them away to her Nanny!! Is it bad that I want to keep them all?
Have you made any heart suncacthers? If you have and would like to have them featured at the bottom of this post - send me a message or contact us over social media! We would love to see what you have been busy creating too!!
Here are some other beautiful Suncatchers:
These beautiful suncatchers were created by the Tots over on ClaresTots. If you haven't come across her website before - you are in for a treat!! Clare is a childminder and she shares the adventures and crafts they get up to!! Lots of lovely, hands on crafts and activities done by the children!!
I love how these turned out! Its a media we have never used on Learning and Exploring Through Play!! Think I may have to get some in and give them a try!
You can find these beauties over on Fun and Home with the Kids!
It's one of my favourite sites to follow!!

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