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DIY Leaf Prints Art for Autumn Crafting

DIY Leaf Prints Art for Autumn Crafting

In my opinion you really can't beat this time of year for the most stunning outdoor walks and the crafts that go hand in hand with this time of year! I love Autumn crafting with the children! After busy weeks at work and school we always dedicate a day at the weekend to go walking. It is such a great way to relieve the stress and reset for the week that lies a head. I also find that it is such a lovely way to come together as a family and spend quality time together. 

I love giving them fun challenges to really get them to look whilst we're out walking and this challenge was a simple one - see how many different leaves you can find. This challenge is suitable for a wide age range too. Another bonus, especially if you have children of different ages in your homes/groups. 

We collected a large variety ready to bring back home and do some DIY Leaf Prints! 

DIY Leaf Prints Art for Autumn Crafting

In my opinion you really can't beat this time of year for the most stunning outdoor walks and the crafts that go hand in hand with this time of year! I love Autumn crafting with the children! After busy weeks at work and school we always dedicate a day at the weekend to go walking. 

I love giving them fun challenges to really get them to look whilst we're out walking and this challenge was a simple one - see how many different leaves you can find. 

We collected a large variety ready to bring back home and do some DIY Leaf Prints! This is a low prep activity. You can bring it together really quickly using items you will no doubt already have to hand.

DIY Leaf Prints Art for Autumn Crafting

This is a super simple, fun and easy Autumn challenge for children. It encourages them to really think about the colours they see this time of year. To explore the different leaf shapes and to work out which tree they have fallen from. Why not add a book to this activity to encourage them to locate which trees their leaves have come from. 

They really love seeing the cause and effect of their prints. Leaves crisp up quite quickly so this activity needs to be done right away really. If you can't do them on the same day consider where you store them. Somewhere cool, out the way of a direct heat source. 

If you give them a go and get round to taking a photo, be sure to find us on social media and share your makes with us!

It makes my day. 

Until next time, keep playing and having fun!

DIY Leaf Prints Art for Autumn Crafting

Learning Through Play
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  1. Nice Idea Loved it .. it must be more fun with kids and they enjoy a lot

  2. so nice blog. my kids loves to play with colors, they will definitely try this out


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