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A big hello and welcome to:
Learning and Exploring Through Play.

Thank you for stopping by our website and heading over to this 'about' page to find out a bit more about us and what we do. 

First things first - who am I?

I am Amy currently a work from home Mom with 3 lovely children. We live in the UK's second largest city and love being creative and having fun together as a family. 
I enjoy singing, dancing (although I'm not saying I am particularly any good) and I am addicted to biscuits, tea and all things pretty!!
Where I can I enjoy swimming, seeing my lovely friends and planning fun crafts and activities for my little ones.

Before becoming a Mom I worked in Childcare and Education for several years. 

I began my career by working with babies, toddlers and preschoolers in a private Nursery, before moving on to work in mainstream education. 
During my time in mainstream education I have worked with so many lovely children and their families. I enjoyed running the School choir and together we won many awards and competitions. It was so much fun! 

Why Learning and Exploring Through Play?

I am very passionate about children learning through their play and that is the driving force behind my blog (and pretty much all we get up to). When children are playing they are happy, they are switched on and they are learning. 

Sit a child at a desk for an hour with a pencil, most will become fed up, unmotivated, uninspired and unhappy. This is often when the environment becomes a stressful one. We start seeing unwanted behavior. Yet this behavior is a cry for help. It's a child saying 'I am really struggling here to stay focused, I need you to work with me and change the way you're trying to teach me something'. 

It's up to us as carers and professionals to listen to these messages and make changes to support them. Working with a child turns stress into success. 

There are so many wonderful ways to teach children. You want results and progress? You want happy children, hungry to learn? Get them out of their seats and exploring the real world. Enjoying hands on, engaging activities. Childhood is short and their playing shouldn't end once they leave reception! 

There is no age limit on Learning Through Play.

I am working hard to create a website that is jam packed full of 'learning through play' activities and adventures. Have something you would like to share? Get in touch with me!!

We are on most of the social media channels so be sure to follow us:

You can also sign up to our Newsletter to keep up to date with our posts and news! 

Welcome to our world :) 
We are very happy to have you here!


Oh and before you go please take note of the following:

My blog is me sharing activities from my own personal experience, what I like to call 'our activity diary'.
All of my activities are done under full adult supervision and are done at my own choice where I have carefully considered the safety, suitability of the activity, my setting and the ability of the children.

I am here as a stay at home Mom, sharing things that we get up to.

It is paramount that you also take these measures and remember that it is your responsibility also when doing any activity with children in your care. 
There are many things to consider before you do activities with your children, as not all will be suitable for everyone. 

All photographs, observations, and any text on my blog has been taken and written by me unless clearly stated otherwise.

I welcome anybody sharing MY BLOG ADDRESS. Sharing is caring of course. 
do not give anybody permission to copy any of my photographs or any of the text written by me. 
I do not give anybody permission to write on my photos or modify my images in any way.

If you wish to briefly give a description on your own blog/website with regards to any activities I have shared and then go on to give the link to my blog page, that of course is fine. 
If you wish to use a photo in these circumstances then I ask that you contact me via the 'contact me' form in the right hand column of this blog.

I do not give anybody permission to reproduce part or whole posts from my blog on your sites/blog.

Jenny and the Magic Feather
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