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Jackson Pollock Preschool Art

Today I am sharing with you such a FUN Painting activity inspired by the famous 1950's artist Jackson Pollock. I have a Preschooler who just loves painting so I knew she would be in her element having a go at painting in this style. In fact even me at 28 years old, couldn't resist having a go too!!

Jackson Pollock was a famous artist who was born in 1912 and died in 1956. Jackson Pollock was 44 years old when he died in a car accident, where he was driving. He was very well known for his drip style painting technique which he did on a large scale on the floor. Painting on the floor allowed him to move around his canvas and actually 'get into' his paintings.

He sometimes used paintbrushes but preferred using sticks. He also used bricks, nails and broken glass (although broken glass wouldn't be suitable to use with children of course). He would sometimes pour paint straight out of the can too!

Although I didn't go into the history of Pollock with my 3 year old. I showed her a great video on YouTube of the man himself painting the way he loved and was famous for. She was over the moon when I suggested that we take some paint outside and give it a go too.

You will need:

A Large Sheet/Easel Paper
Paintbrushes / Sticks / Stones
Old Clothes!!

It's really quick to set up and the fun you will have, means you will no doubt re-do this painting technique over and over, especially during the Summer months!!

Prepare to get messy - little ones wearing old clothes is a must! I am yet to discover a paint that is washable, even the ones that claim they are! 

Once your canvas is down, it's time to get stuck in!!

Ohhh the fun!!!

When I set this up I knew Little N would be in her element, but I was suprized how long she contently painted! We went from 'drip style painting' to painting and treading in it and then walking around making footprints, before painting hands, arms, feet! It was great fun!!

Today was one of them days where I sat smiling at my 3 year old as I watched her having so much fun and I thought - this is what parenting is all about! It's a day I will treasure and I look forward to doing it again with her very soon!!

"Because a painting has the life of it's own, I try to let it come through" Jackson Pollock.

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1 comment:

  1. Wow! That looks so fun! And with a nice, big sheet this could be great fun with a group of kids working together... Thanks for this great idea!


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