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DIY Sensory Bottles

We spend an absolute fortune on toys! Some are played with for a few days and never played with again. Some are pulled out and played with daily. Many of us have toys all around our homes, some of us a little more organised and all toys have their place. 

How do you like the idea of creating your very own toys that wont cost you a penny? If that idea appeals to you then Sensory Bottles may be what you are looking for.

They take up little space, they are great to explore with our senses, they appeal to a wide range of children and as I mentioned they cost very little if anything to make. 

Today we have Melba joining us to share with us the wonderful collection of bottles she has been enjoying with her little boy.

My name is Melba and I recently moved from Massachusetts (where I lived all of my life) to the very beautiful New Hampshire.

I have two children. My eldest is 23 and decided to stay in Massachusetts and my youngest who is 6 years old lives with me. My son has Autism. He has other things going on too so I made the decisions to home school him for now. 

We spend lots of time making new things together and I am always busy looking for fun things to try! 

We have recently been creating and enjoying some Sensory Bottles. They all make different noises when they are moved around and they are filled with different colours and textures. My son is fascinated with them! 

This is our Seasons set of Sensory Bottles:

Spring - 
Blue water and brown pompoms for muddy puddles and rain. 

Summer - 
Clear water, yellow pom poms to represent the sun and blue beads for the sky/sea.

Autumn - 
Artificial Autumn coloured leaves. 

Winter - 
White cotton balls to represent fluffy white snow. 
White and Silver Beads to represent ice. 

We also have a Dish Soap in water sensory bottle - when mixed around it creates a tornado effect within the bottle.

1. Green - Aloe Vera Gel with gold coin money
2. Blue - Water, Oil and Blue Food Colouring
3. Balls - Small, White Static Balls
4. Tooth Picks with Rice

1. Pirate Themed 
2. Ocean Themed
3. Pipe cleaners that we use with magnets 
4. Plastic beads in water.
5. Glass coloured Marbles in Water
6. Paper Clips in water which we use with a magnet to attract them around the bottle. 

Melba we are delighted that you joined us today to share your fabulous Sensory Bottles!! A great range of items for the little ones to explore! Thank you!

I made some Sensory Bottles for Little N when she was around 5 months old and 2 years on she still enjoys playing with them from time to time, so they are definitely worth creating! Have you made Sensory Bottles for your little ones too?? Come and share your photos with us on our Facebook page.
If you are a fan on Sensory Play you should also check out:

DIY Sensory Board
Little Red Riding Hood Sensory Small World
Sensory Frozen Rainbow
Sensory Bags
Sensory Tuff Trays

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