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Playhouse Makeover Inspiration

Today I want to share with you the developments of Little N's playhouse.
We brought it back in July, and the last couple of months we have been busy giving it a make over. It's finally starting to come together now. There are a few things still to be added so be sure to check back in the next couple of weeks but I still have SO much to share with you! 
I decided that I wanted to make her little playhouse a HOME
We purchased the house from Waltons after lots of people recommended them to us via our Facebook Page. I want to thank you all for putting them forward to us as the service, price, delivery and product were all great! 
It took us around 3 hours to build, around a very agar Toddler who was full of beans and simply couldn't wait for it to be built! 
She fell in love with it right away and spent most of the next few days in and out, in and out. There still wasn't anything in there but she was happy and contented with her imagination. 
I started scanning Pinterest for some inspiration. Have you seen our Playhouse board on Pinterest? So many awesome ideas out there!

We started by painting the house, it took so much longer than I expected as the paint kept sinking into the wood. I must have painted the outside of the house 4 times and inside a whopping 8 times!! 
When Little N saw me getting the brushes out to paint, she would run inside to her creative station, take out a paintbrush and come and help too! I love Toddlers! Always so keen to get stuck in!! 
When it was all painted we caulked inside! Everywhere and anywhere there was a crevice it was filled. Not only did this make it look neater it will stop all the bugs getting inside too!
Once that was done it was a case of repainting over it and da daaaaa it the painting was FINALLY complete.....
I was thrilled with the outcome! It was starting to look lovely! Now all the painting was done it was time to get some flooring laid. I decided against carpet as I would have had to stop her playing in it if it was wet and muddy outside and that was something I didn't want to do. 
Lino was considered but in the end we went with a pack of laminate flooring.
My lovely Dad came round and put it down for us. It really finished the inside well and with the right tools it too my Dad no time at all. 

To the outside of the house I added lanterns (we burn candles in them as it's beginning to get dark which she loves)! I added a play mat to help prevent muddy footprints and of course some flowers to make it welcoming. Next year I will look at adding some window baskets. It will be a great opportunity for her to get stuck in and choose some plants, plant them and then look after them by keeping them watered. 
She is forever role playing and loves to help around in the kitchen. Her other favourite thing to do is to read! So I wanted to include these areas within her house. They are a work in progress at the moment but I will give you a cheeky peek inside as we have got round to adding some super cute things....
My lovely Mom made the adorable curtains! Isn't the fabric beautiful! I purchased it from Ikea. It was £5 per meter. Little N is particularly pleased with this feature and is forever opening and closing them. She shuts them 'so the big bad wolf can't see her', as she says. 
The kitchen has also been added.....
We also purchased this from Ikea. Its really sturdy, was simple to put together and I love that there are buttons to 'turn the hob on'. A light illuminates and as it's power saving turns itself off after a set amount of time.
You do also have the option of buying an over the head unit for it which has a built in microwave. I didn't want that feature for this house, but I love that you have the option to decide either way.
You can see the laminate floor that has been added here! I was going to go for white but at the last minute changed my mind when I saw this one. 
It actually looks a lot nicer than I thought it would as it does break up the decor inside.
So there we have it, a sneak peak into the Playhouse we have started to make a HOME. We have several exciting things on order at the moment that we cant wait to add and show you, so be sure to come back to see the finished house!
We are very delighted indeed to be taking part in Crafty Kids at Home A-Z Pretend Play challenge. 
There is a wonderful set of pretend play ideas that is well worth checking out!
Today we have brought to you - H is for HOME.

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1 comment:

  1. What am awesome play house! There is so much potential for pretend play in here. Thanks for taking part in the A-Z of Pretend Play.


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