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Kite Craft for Kids Recycled Artwork

It sure is windy at the minute here in the UK and I have been left with a dilemma!

My daughter is FOREVER painting at her easel. I have said this before on my blog, but it really has been the best purchase I have made since being a Mommy.

She uses it daily. So yay it's great she's using it and enjoying being creative so often..... but I am left with LOTS and LOTS of paintings on the Easel roll paper and the guilt I feel throwing them away is awful!

You just can't keep them all though can you??! I do think in years to come when shes 28 years old will she come to me and want to look through all these paintings?! Possibly, but probably not!

Even so this doesn't make it any easier for me and after the last lot of dried paintings she did I just loved all the colours and thought - I can't throw these away!

So I decided to make them into kites!!

She has an obsession with kites and is always asking to go to the local woodland with her Dad to fly her Frozen kite (another great buy - £1.50 from Toys R Us).

You will need:
Dried Paintings

I started by making some very quick templates, instead of doing each one free hand, it sped the process up having something to quickly draw round.

They also came in useful when placing over the piece of painting I wanted to use in particular.

Using string I added the colourful bows and sellotaped them all in place. I purchased the string from a local craft store and it's lasted ages! You could also use wool or ribbon too!

It was only a couple of minutes before I was left with an array of beautiful kites that look gorgeous on my patio doors at the moment!!

Little N enjoyed doing the paintings as part of 'free play', they dried and instead of throwing them away I used them to create something super cute!

I already have another idea for the next batch of paintings and look forward to sharing that with you all very soon!!

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1 comment:

  1. Sarah Sagar19/6/16 09:38

    A super idea - to use up even more works of art make kite and bows double-sided, so if they are outside & twirling in the wind will look even better. Could also stick 2 pieces together first, laminate, then cut out into the shapes so they last longer. ��


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