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Giraffe Hand Print Art for World Giraffe Day

Hand Print Art - World Giraffe Day - Learning and Exploring Through Play

Well, you learn something new each day - or so they say.....

Today I have learnt something and it may or may not be new information to you too!!

Did you know there was such thing as World Giraffe Day?

World Giraffe Day is celebrated annually on the 21st of June because it's the longest day of the year (depending on which hemisphere you live on). It's a day where Giraffes are celebrated, but the day also brings about awareness of the threat these animals face out in the wild.

It is estimated that there are only 90,000 of them left in the wild. Many schools and companies have fund raising events to help raise money for the charities that help to protect and monitor Giraffes in the wild. 

With this in mind today we have had the paints out again and we have had fun creating some super cute Mommy and Baby Hand Print Giraffe Art.

You will need:

Yellow/Brown Paint - we used Little Brian Art Paint
Paint Brushes
Wipes (to help with the clean up)
Googly Eyes
Paint Brush
Pen - could use any but we used a brown Crayola felt tip pen.

Hand Print Art - World Giraffe Day - Learning and Exploring Through Play

Begin by covering your hand and arm in yellow paint. Remember not to paint your thumb! I painted Little N's hand and arm and she spent the whole time giggling saying how much it tickled her! She was over the moon with her print and once we had cleaned her up with wipes she loved that she could do the same to me! 

Hand Print Art - World Giraffe Day - Learning and Exploring Through Play

First we left our prints on our paper. A reason why I am loving using the Little Brian Art Paint is how quick it dries!! As soon as it had fully dried (in only around 15 minutes) I used a brown Crayola felt tip pen to draw around the Giraffes - giving them ears and short hairy horns!

Hand Print Art - World Giraffe Day - Learning and Exploring Through Play

Little N used her finger tips to print on the Giraffe markings and we used PVA glue to add on the Googly eyes and that was it they were done!

Hand Print Art - World Giraffe Day - Learning and Exploring Through Play

How cute do they look?

What crafts do you have planned for World Giraffe Day?
Looking for some more inspiration? 

Have a look at these:

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for joining in with the World Giraffe Day Quirky Blog Hop. A colourful and fun way to make some lovely giraffe pictures!


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