Did you know that this week is Eczema awareness week? To be honest it wasn't something I knew until I had my little girl in 2012. Out of nowhere her skin started looking inflamed. I was doing everything to try and calm her skin down, yet somehow my efforts seemed to fail!
As a new Mom, I was so upset at the sore skin that was beginning to emerge as I felt it was me that was failing to get it right for her. Every time she cried I convinced myself it was because she was uncomfortable with these sore patches of skin.
I had already mentioned my concerns at the Doctors when we went for our 6-8 week check, but I was reassured it was common for newborn skin to be a little red as they were still adjusting to the outside world.
I remember taking her for her first weigh in. I walked in to the room full of other Moms who seemed much more relaxed and in control that I was. I was so nervous and felt like all eyes were on me. Of course - looking back it wasn't like this at all! I was just a new Mom giving myself a hard time.
I stripped her off popped her onto the scales and the health visitors eyes scanned my daughters body and I was quizzed about what I had been using on her skin. The answer was nothing. I had been using the usual brands to wash her in but as soon as I spotted the irritation I had stopped using them and her skin had began to calm down. But today wasn't a good day for her skin and I decided to get her in the Doctors so they could take another look.
The doctor was great and diagnosed that my daughter was suffering with Atopic Eczema. We spoke in depth about what I could use on her skin and which clothing materials and creams I should avoid.
I was a Mom desperate to get this right for her and my late night Google searches brought me to read more about WaterWipes.
Baby skin is 5 times more delicate than ours, so it's very important we carefully select what we use on our little ones skin. I loved that WaterWipes were 99% water with no chemicals what so ever! No other wipes matched up to their formula! Baby skin needs pure products to help keep irritations at bay, and I found that these wipes really did just that.
As she grew bigger and started solids they were gentle and kind to her skin as I regularly wiped her hands and face. I found that the wipes were nice and moist and were thick and strong. They didn't dry out easily unlike other brands I had used and they didn't tear either!
My daughter skin is much more settled now that it once was. We now have two twin boys that have recently joined our family and I am once again using WaterWipes as our chosen brand!
Eczema can be such a hard condition to live with. Seeing your child break out in sore skin with an unknown cause can make you feel so deflated. I felt like I was drowning at one point, struggling to get back on top of it! Her skin would randomly break out and I would have to take her down the Doctors to get stronger cream.
Eczema Awareness week runs to increase knowledge about the condition which is yet to have a cure.
As a Mother of a child who has suffered from the condition I know the stress and upset it can bring not only to the person suffering but the people around them too! It is my hope that one day a cure is found for this condition.
We have teamed up with WaterWipes to help raise awareness of Eczema. You could be in with a chance of winning 3 whole months worth of WaterWipes for your little one!
To enter - make sure you are following us on Facebook as we will be posting the information over there very soon:
Good Luck!!

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