Today I am sharing with you a very simple but effective craft! You will need some toilet roll holders! If you're anything like me you will have already have a couple tucked away (just in case an opportunity to use them arises).
We had our first down pour of snow here in the UK, West Midlands last week!
Sadly it wasn't quite deep enough to make a big Daddy Snowman that my 4 year old requested, but we managed to scoop enough snow up to have a little snowball fight! It was so much fun!
It's given us the taste and we want more!! I want the School Closures... the hot chocolate drinking under warm blankets after we've been outside playing in it! We haven't had a decent amount of snow in a good few years now. There is still time.... but until then we have been doing some fun Snowman Crafts.
We created a Melted Snowman Family, A Snowman Handprint Keepsake and a cute Snowman card and today we are sharing with a you a snowman collage made using empty toilet rolls!!
You will need:
Empty Toilet Roll
White Paint
Paper (coloured)
Snowman cut outs - (hats, arms etc)
Pretty straight forward resources required for this craft. Hopefully you wont need to go out and buy anything especially.
I had previously cut out the Snowman parts from coloured paper, but I did leave the paper and scissors out in case my 4 year old opted to make her own. I pointed out to her too that she had the choice of using the ones already cut or if she wanted to make her own that's great too.
Submerge the bottom of your toilet roll in the white paint and get printing on the paper. Stack your prints to make a snowman shape!!
Once its dry - add your snowman cut outs!
Once its dry - add your snowman cut outs!
This made the cutest collage, but this would also work great on brown paper as Winter/Christmas wrapping paper! I must remember this for next year and give it a go! I don't think you can beat personalising and doing something yourself.
This Christmas we received gifts that had been wrapped and decorated by a family friends children. I loved them! What a lovely touch! They were that sweet I just couldn't bring myself to throwing them away, once the gifts had been opened. Aren't they adorable?!
The possibilities are endless we also made Sunflowers using toiler rolls in the Summer. They are still up now as I just love them! We used them as tags on our sunflowers outside too. They looked great outside and they helped us keep tabs of who was winning our 'Who Can Grow the Biggest Sunflower?' competition.

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