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Once I Caught a Fish Alive Craft

Nursery Rhyme Craft. Preschool Crafts and Water Play. National Reading Month.

My names Siobhan and I'm a stay at home Mum. I have one daughter Evie, who is 13 months old. I'm always trying to find new activities for us to try out. We enjoy going to baby groups, having family visit and playing at home. We've turned our backroom into a playroom, so there's always plenty to do. 

I've always worked with children as Nursery Nurse, Senior Play Worker and Teaching Assistant. Over the years I have planned so many activities and it really is something I love to do! Its great being able to share these fun activities with my daughter now! I cherish it and look forward to lots more crafts and activities over the coming years with her!

Reading is an something else Evie enjoys, along with singing. Evie often selects books from her book box and over she comes to sit on our laps and enjoy a story. I love this time with her! Quality one on one time. There is really something about a child who has a love for books!

I was delighted to be asked to join in with the National Reading Week on Learning and Exploring Through Play. I knew straight away which book Evie would enjoy playing along to....

Evie enjoys her musical book 'Once I Caught a Fish Alive' so I set up a fish collage craft for her to get stuck into. 

Nursery Rhyme Crafts - Once I Caught a Fish Alive

You will need:
Glitter if you wish
Collage papers 

Nursery Rhyme Crafts - Once I Caught a Fish Alive

This story has been such a hit with Evie. She loves pressing the buttons an hearing the noises they make. If your child enjoys Nursery Rhymes, it comes highly recommended from us! You can purchase the book by clicking here.

Nursery Rhyme Crafts - Once I Caught a Fish Alive

Evie started off by grabbing the paper and putting it on her fish. I allowed her the chance to explore this and showed her what happened without using glue when I asked her to lift it up off the table and the pieces fell off the paper.

Nursery Rhyme Crafts - Once I Caught a Fish Alive

This was the one of the first times Evie has used a glue stick, so she began with needing a little help. Once I had shown her how she was off. Selecting lots of beautiful coloured paper! Her fish quickly began to look lovely and colourful! She did an excellent job!

Nursery Rhyme Crafts - Once I Caught a Fish Alive

I love that even the youngest of children can not only enjoy and have favourite stories, but they can gain a lot from activities inspired by their most loved books!

Nursery Rhyme Crafts - Once I Caught a Fish Alive

A big thank you to Siobhan and Evie for your very beautiful Fish Collage activity!

Aswel as a lovely fish collage Evie has been enjoying some water play linking to this Nursery Rhyme.....

As mentioned above we are running a National Reading Month for the entire month of March. Each day we have a fabulous childrens book coming your way and showing you how you can use it to inspire activity and craft set ups for the children.

Bringing books to life for children is magic for their imaginations. 
You can see the rest of the activities and crafts on our landing page:

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