Christmas is fast approaching. Lists are being pulled together. The television is packed with Christmas Deals - but what is it that Moms would really love and appreciate more than anything?
Want to get her something that will make her happy? Something that would mean the world? You're in the right place.
We have been having some lovely discussions over in our Facebook Group and on our Instagram where we asked members what would you like to receive the most on the big day? Was it the latest beauty products? Vouchers? A gin subscription? Lets take a look:
Top of the List and something that won hands down -
Me Time
Whether you are a work at home parent, stay at home parent or working parent - there are not enough hours in the day. So much to do, no where near enough time. We prioritise to time manage the best we can but that often means we put our own needs at the bottom of the pile meaning crucial me time doesn't happen.
Me time is essential for happiness. Psychologists have proved time and time again that there are many benefits to spending time alone doing what fills your 'bucket of happiness'. Me Time enhances the relationships we have with others, improves concentration and helps us to unwind.
It's not all about being alone either - it could be spending time doing something that you enjoy the most. Cooking, Exercising, Reading to name a few will give you exactly what you need to recharge your batteries.
What our lovely members said -
Stacey Emerson - "I spend every waking hour multitasking and never doing anything fully for myself. The perfect gift for me would be an hour to do something I would like to do. Time away from the chores and responsibilities."
Diane Simpson - "The only me time I get is if I jump in the car to pop to the shop. I often drive back the long way round - just to give me some extra time to gather my thoughts.
Stephanie Duncan-Harman - "For me- a meal cooked, a bath bomb and a glass of wine followed by a dvd movie. Something treatish and thoughtful from my husband and children."
Danielle Marie - "For me - I love having some time with other women / moms minus the children. So often on play dates and hangouts, our focus is on the kids - having time, even if just enough to go for a 20 min walk helps rejuvenate my soul and helps me develop friendships that are important to me and my well being. In the end it helps me be a better mom / wife."
Think about what she enjoys doing? How can you make it happen? Could you book her a baking class? If she's an avid reader maybe she would enjoy a subscription allowing her access to as many books as she likes?
Take a moment to think about what she would love more time to do. Once you have given her what she needs to go about doing more of it - make sure you give her the time to fulfil it.
An incredibly close second was - SLEEP
We are all fully aware that having children means sleep is very much so dictated by them. We know the lie ins will probably end and time to rest will be much less. When we started our family, I couldn't believe how it actually felt to not sleep. It was pure torture. Especially in the early months. I was still expected to function and complete all my jobs and look after a new baby.
Some parents have told me that there decision to have any more children changed once they experienced sleep deprivation and said they simply couldn't put themselves through it again.
Some children sleep better than others - that's a given, but for the Moms (parents) who don't get much sleep - in a nutshell its pretty awful!
A lack of sleep can make you feel more agitated, stressed and emotional. It can become much harder to be alert and focused. It can make you feel pretty rubbish and over time it wears you down.
Whether you book her a night away, a Spa Stay maybe or you get up with the children and let her sleep in. All will make her feel so much more alive and better in herself. You could even look at taking the children out for a few hours so she can have a cheeky snooze in peace.
Let the Children Choose
Some Moms said they would appreciate their children choosing gifts for them. Not being told or given an item that is theirs to wrap up and give to Mom, but being allowed to venture out into the Christmas hustle and bustle and buy something themselves for Mommy -
What our lovely members said -
Stephanie Mcintyre - "With my toddlers/older children who understand. I like to give them a small amount of money. Even just a fiver and with another adult (so I don't see) take them to somewhere like the pound shop (I know it's cheap but it's the experience for the little one) and say to them "let's look around and pick 5 things you would like for mammy for xmas"
In their own minds they will have a reason behind every gift they pick. They may pick a pack of forks and their reason be mammy loves to cook. But when you open them on Xmas day and they tell you why they picked it it shows how much they were thinking of you."
In their own minds they will have a reason behind every gift they pick. They may pick a pack of forks and their reason be mammy loves to cook. But when you open them on Xmas day and they tell you why they picked it it shows how much they were thinking of you."
I absolutely love Stephanie's suggestion. The responsibility of venturing out with some money to choose something for Mom would make them so proud of their gift. Even if its something that you don't particularly see as a suitable gift for Mom - still let them make that choice.
That is allowing your child to have a voice. Showing them that their ideas and thoughts matter. Whether they pick up a bag of skittles, a toilet brush or a box of match makers - Mom will be sure to love anything that has been brought with love from their little loves. ( Who knows it may even bring a giggle or two on the day).
Something Handmade
Children love nothing more than getting creative. Grab the craft stash and let their imaginations run wild to create and make something for Mom to open. Pictures are fabulous. You could make a card. Venture to a craft shop and buy a wooden plaque or box for them to personalise and make their own so Mom can pop it up on the wall or use to store bits and bobs in.
What our lovely members said -
Gemma Wilson - "The pride that burst from my child when they have made something melts my heart. A handmade gift or card would mean more to me than anything."
Holly Walker - "Nothing beats something that has been handmade with love by the kids."
It really is as simple as getting the crafty bits out. Children have the best imaginations and ooze creativity. Looking to make something particular/suggest something to them? Check out a few of our makes below:
In a nutshell what Mom wants most this Christmas, money can't by. She wants time to recharge and re energise so she can be the best she can be. A little token chosen by the children would be lovely and something handmade would be precious.
The best things in life money can't by and to conclude I would like to share with you a lovely saying that is so true:

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