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Yippee Adventures Activity Boxes

Yippee Adventures Activity Boxes

I was over the moon when Yippee Adventures got in touch with us to ask if they could send some of their activity boxes. When I browsed their shop I was spoiled for choice! 

The boxes by Yippee Adventures are packed with quality resources. Some of the items in the kits are like nothing I have come across before and that got me excited! Resources with a difference. 

Their kits are carefully designed in consideration of STEAM and their aim is to facilitate fun and special family experiences. It is very clear that there is an in depth knowledge of child development and all boxes compliment key stage learning very well. Something that I really liked was many of the boxes have resources that will go on to last year after year, complimenting small worlds, outdoor exploring and developing language/knowledge.

Lets take a closer look at the 3 boxes that came our way:

I was over the moon to see the choice offered in the shop and there was a fantastic Space Themed box that we couldn't wait to get our hands on!

Yippee Adventures Activity Boxes

If you follow us over on Instagram you will have seen that my daughter is interested in Space at the moment. I am always browsing the internet looking for new and exciting ways to engage and extend the learning through the interests the children show. This box offered so much for us, so much so that I would highly recommend looking into it for a special gift choice.

Contents Include a poster for the child and another for the grown up. The poster ignites the excitement for the child. It tells them what the box will offer and encourages them to be creative and share their ideas with their friends. 
The poster for the adult tells us all about what the children will gain from working through the crafts and activities in the box. What are the learning and benefits? It's clear and concise.

There are 5 action packed activities - children can make their own rockets and launch them into the air. Play a memory game, experiment with friction, explore the constellations, make their very own solar system. Neve couldn't wait to get stuck in! 

To compliment the activities the packs inside include items such as ribbons, felt, paints, glitter, sequins, buttons, stickers, wool, information cards, beads, pipettes, string, wooden planets and constellation discs plus lots more that you can read about here.

Everything needed is included, meaning there is no extra cost and it saves so much time!
As you know we are crafting all the time and do have lots of craft materials however having it all given to us in one box meant that we could be more productive with our time.

Lets take a look at us getting stuck into this box:

What I enjoy most is setting up small worlds. This box posed an opportunity for me. The twins were taking a nap and I decided to set it up for Neve to come home to from school. I used the small world as an introduction for a Space theme filled evening.

Yippee Adventures Activity Boxes

Our first job was to explore the constellations, which Neve liked to call the 'map of stars'. We used the wooden discs to create shadows on the wall. What child doesn't love playing with torches? We used the telescope to look into space at the stars and enjoyed reading stories and information books linked to Space. 

Yippee Adventures Activity Boxes

It also led us to create our very own constellation torches using recycled cardboard rolls, which Neve very proudly took into school to show her friends.

Yippee Adventures Activity Boxes

Neve used the large sheet of felt to create her very own solar system with the help of her poster that she loves looking at on her bedroom wall. She was so proud of this. She loved that all the different planets could be decorated by doing something different. There was a wide range of materials in the box to really get creative.

The experiments were carried out with the help of Dad who is such a big kid at heart and loves one on one time with her like this. I could hear them giggling and enjoying getting the challenges to work. 
The cards are packed full of information and have proved to be a great family game. Neve currently has them stacked on her bedside time and wants us to read them together each night when she goes to bed after her story. 

This box has been such a pleasure. It offered everything I had hoped it would but so much more too! The wooden discs will be a treasured resource that will go on to compliment this topic as it creeps up time and time again. 
The cards will also allow me to not only play ready made games but add more information to our activity set ups meaning I am offering a text rich experience for early readers that has taken me no time to prepare. 

But aside from all that - it gave us time. Time together. Time having fun. Time being a bit silly, and creative. The first Yippee Box was a complete and utter success for us and we couldn't wait to tear open the next one!

But it doesn't just stop there because Yippee Adventures stock boxes for all different interests and topics for the children. Lets take a look at a couple more of what you can purchase from their online shop.

Yippee Adventures Activity Boxes

Another box that has been so pleasing to work with. We took this one away with us. We were out in the middle of no where, deep in the woods.

Packing to go away with 3 young children can be pretty stressful. I love planning ideas an activities to do while we are away but the reality is something that can't happen because I am so pushed on time (and sanity). This was already done for us once again. Popped into the case and it was ready to keep Neve occupied throughout the week.

Yippee Adventures Activity Boxes

So many fantastic ideas. Neve built a bug house using the materials in the pack and popped it out on the patio keeping a close eye for bug - she had the magnifying glass (thats in the set) at hand.

This Yippee box is filled with SIX bug-based activities, as well as an extra activity where you can create your own worm farm.

You can make a real bug home for mini-creatures, play bug bingo, learning fascinating facts as you go!
Make your own wool web and spider with eyes—then hang it up and make visitors jump!
See how many bugs you can study through your magnifying glass and pot! Help save the bee and butterfly population by making a nectar café and finally create your own spinning spider illusion!

Yippee Adventures Activity Boxes

We we also sent the Scrapbook set which we can't wait to get stuck into next. Neve always had a pen in her hand being creative so I just know she will be over the moon to get designing with this set.

The set comes with a poster that is jam packed with ideas - 100 to be exact. The scrap book can be used as part of a diary for the children to collect their own photos, use the stickers, draw pictures and write as they please to capture the fun they are having as they work their way through all the brilliant ideas listed.

Yippee Adventures Activity Boxes

If you are anything like me - you have so many ideas but not enough time to gather all the resources to carry out the fun. This is what I really like about Yippee Adventures as they do all the hard work for you. Its delivered and it's all good to go.

Time is an issue for most of us, there are not enough hours in the day. I loved that I could have a box aside for a moment of family time. Throughout the last few weeks we have been taking time to do an activity here and there and it hasn't been stressful because it's all ready and waiting to just open and get going.

The real test was a review from a child. I asked Neve what she thought:

"I really liked all of them because there is so much to do. The activities are fun and I liked painting and making the Space picture. My favourite thing was spreading the materials out and reading the instructions to find out what I needed to do next."

The boxes are put together using quality materials. I personally couldn't recommend them enough. Whether you are looking for a box to enjoy some family time together with your child, something that will keep them busy independantlt or a gift - check out the full range in the link below. There is sure to be something for everyone.

They even do party bag fillers!

Yippee Adventures Shop

I would like to thank Yippee Adventures for the opportunity to enjoy their products. I love them all.
It has been a pleasure working with you, and I hope to again in the future.

 We were sent the boxes mentioned above to enable us to do this review. All opinions are my own. 

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Other posts to check out on Learning and Exploring Through Play:

I love you to pieces Suncatcher Card    Melted Snowman Family    Rainbow Streamer Craft

Recycled Valentines Crafts for Preschoolers    Recycled Valentines Crafts for Preschoolers    Sensory Winter Play for Preschoolers

Mark Making with Kinetic Sand    Plastic Easter Egg Art Ideas    Space Themed Sensory Play Small World

Learning Through Play
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