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Why Families Need Grandparents

Why Families Need Grandparents

 Grandparents play a very important role in family life. Their patience, their love and support is often the back bone of the family unit. 

With more and more families turning to Grandparents as a means of support for guidance and childcare - their role in the family has become more important than ever. Grandparents step in and enjoy being hands on helping to raise the newest members of the family. With rising costs in child care this often allows parents the freedom to pursue careers, whilst knowing their children are being cared for by the people they trust the most. People who unconditionally love their children. 

Why Families Need Grandparents

Children observe their Grandparents often being the biggest support to their parents. They are the glue that holds everyone and everything together. Their home becomes a safe and welcoming place to enjoy times together, a place to make memories and where cousins become forever friends

"Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just you all day and now the day was complete." – Marcy DeMaree

Why Families Need Grandparents

As life expectancy increases, more and more Grandparents are seeing their Grandchildren grow up. Some even see their Grandchildren have children of their own. 

The bonds we have with Grandparents today have not always been this way. In some of the first articles published in the 30's and 40's about Grandparents the focus was very much so on the negative effects they had within the family unit. Sharing their interfering and overbearing ways. By the 60's and 70's the view of Grandparents had changed dramatically. During this time Grandparents were not as strict and were a lot more nurturing and supportive in their ways.  

Today - Grandparents can choose how involved they are in the lives of their children and their offspring. It has been reported that Grandparents who are actively involved are generally happier and more content in life. Some Grandparents have reported that the children have given them a new found purpose. Being in their presence makes them feel young again. 

"What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humour, comfort, lessons in life. And, most importantly, cookies." – Rudolph Giuliani

Why Families Need Grandparents

Grandparents don't carry the parental burdens such as daily chores, homework, discipline. Research showed that parents are working in excess of 98 hour weeks with work and home responsibilities making the support from their parents often vital. Grandparents have experienced raising a family and some of the hardships we can face - their first hand experience can prove to be a real power for feeling connected to their children. They can swoop in and offer reassurance and support in times of need. 

"Becoming a grandmother is wonderful. One moment you're just a mother. The next you are all-wise and prehistoric."– Pam Brown

My parents have often said after spending time with my children it's been like transporting back in time to when I was younger. We have sat reminiscing about all the memories. Many places I visited as a child, the songs I would sing, even the toys I would play with - have been revisited with my children. It's a precious time. 

Watching the bond between your children and your parents blossom brings joy. 

Grandparents are a living link to the family history. Sharing treasured stories from their own childhoods, the children can gain a real feel for their family members no longer living. This helps to give them a sense of identity. 

"Young people need something stable to hang on to — a culture connection, a sense of their own past, a hope for their own future. Most of all, they need what grandparents can give them." – Jay Kesler

If you are lucky enough to have hands on Grandparents who treasure and relish in the time they spend with you and your children - thank your lucky stars that such a blessing has been given to your family. 

Plan holidays and outings together. Keep them in the loop of the goings on. Send photos just because. Buy them flowers just because. Allow them to be as involved as they want and deserve to be. Make memories, have fun and instil in your children the importance of family. One day you too will become a Grandparent and the cycle will be played over. 

Enjoy today. Make the most of tomorrow. Embrace and appreciate the people around you who unconditionally love and adore your children...... and you!!

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