World Bee Day takes place on the 20th of May each year. This year we have been getting crafty as a fun, hands on way to ignite discussion and intrigue amongst the children. World Bee Day was set up to raise awareness of the importance of pollinators and the challenges they face. Together we can make a difference by doing our bit within our gardens and homes to help these creatures that are so crucial to our world.
For this activity you will need:
A round potato masher
A sheet of white card
Black marker pen
Yellow and black paint
A pencil
Take your potato masher and paint stripes of yellow and black paint onto the surface. Make sure all of the surface is completely covered over in paint. This will ensure effective prints are made.
Once your masher is covered in your yellow and black stripes, press down onto your card. You may find you can do a couple of prints with the same layer of paint. If there isn't enough just spread the paint back onto the masher and print away.
Leave the paint to dry and then look at adding the features such as eyes, mouth, the wings and legs. Offer a range of materials so the children can decorate as they wish.
Cut out your bees and attach a stick to the back. You can use a glue gun or some tape to secure them in place. If you decide to use a glue gun I can't stress enough how important it is for this step to be done by an adult.
Take your craft bees out on a walk with you and see what flowers you can find. Fly your bee to the flowers and take a close look to see if you can find any bumble bees visiting the flowers. Look at counting them. See what other interesting bugs you find.
You could also look at taking the paints outside and you could paint some of the flowers you spot on your walk. See where the children’s imaginations take them.
As part of this activity have a discussion on what you can do to help pollinators. You could build your own bug house, visit the garden centre to buy some plants to add to your gardens or why not look at adding some bee baths to your borders and planted to the bees can have a drink whilst they're busy doing their work?
Lets see this activity in action:
Shockingly nearly 90% of the world’s wild flowering plant species depend, entirely, or at least in part, on animal pollination, along with more than 75% of the world’s food crops and 35% of global agricultural land.
We need to work together to do all we can to help our pollinators and we need to raise awareness amongst the children on how critically important they are. If you give this activity a go do pop over to social media and share it with us. We love to see what you get up to.

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